Stabilize & Explore
Screen and select
Generate pathology-like target
Validate your target
Stabilize & Explore
Screen and select
Generate pathology-like target
Validate your target
Stabilize & Explore
Native and Structural Stabilization

Solubilize membrane protein
Maintain membrane protein stability
Gain : Generate primary hits and leads candidates
Screen & Select
Conformational Stabilization in Pathology-like conformation

Perform selective screening
Generate leads specific to one or several conformational states
Gain : Increase efficacy and selectivity of your hits and leads candidates
Generate pathology-like target
stabilized in the desired environment

Stabilized pathology-like target in bicelles or nanodiscs.
Use antigen for immunization and antibody selection
Gain : Select the best candidates according to the physiopathology
Validate your target
and profile your drug candidates

Validate membrane protein as target
Confirm specificity
Gain : Confirm your mechanism of action and the pharmacological profile of drug and antibody candidates
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